We work to create iconic destinations and vibrant spaces for everyone to enjoy. Growth is focused on dense, mixed-use centers and transit, while maintaining a well-balanced mix of business and commercial properties. Residents have access to a wide variety of housing types in Bellevue to meet the needs of households across all income bands and life stages. The city values neighborhood identities and character. Bellevue is a community of diverse, vibrant and well-maintained neighborhoods with connections to transportation, schools, parks, trails and the natural environment.
Environmental stewardship is intrinsic to a healthy community and economy. Bellevue is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing climate resilience, preserving our natural environment, transitioning to clean energy and increasing equitable access for residents to transit, jobs, housing, parks and natural areas.
Known as a “City in a Park,” Bellevue’s parks and open space system is nationally recognized. We have something for everyone, from small parks for neighborhood gatherings to forested trails to large community parks with unique events and experiences. The community enjoys a variety of recreational and sporting opportunities within walking distance of homes and businesses. Our parks and recreation system connects residents and visitors to nature and provides opportunities for improved mental and physical health.
Bellevue is a “Smart City” with excellent infrastructure that supports our vibrant and growing community, including high-tech connectivity. Utility services such as drinking water, wastewater, storm and surface water, and solid waste management are reliable and environmentally responsible. The city recognizes the importance of high-quality public and private infrastructure that enhances livability and access to amenities for Bellevue’s community.
4.1 Provide for a variety of housing types that support a range of needs and levels of affordability and enhance vibrant communities.
4.2 Work with Bellevue’s community to provide equitable long-term comprehensive and strategic planning that increases the ability of all Bellevue residents, businesses and visitors to thrive.
4.3 Preserve and protect the quality of public and private infrastructure, the safety and integrity of the built and natural environment, and address challenges of population growth, climate change and sustainable resource use.
4.4 Create iconic destinations and vibrant spaces.
4.5 Plan, implement and fund the acquisition, development, operations and maintenance of parks, community spaces and essential public infrastructure.
4.6 Invest in high-quality technology infrastructure to support smart city initiatives and improve high-speed internet access and affordability for residents and businesses.
4.7 Provide a mix of housing, office, service and retail uses in a compact walkable development pattern that optimizes the benefits of transit investment in Bellevue’s transit-oriented mixed-use areas.
4.8 Support efforts to preserve or enhance the physical and environmental amenities that bring distinctive artistic, cultural or natural character within Bellevue’s diverse neighborhoods to life.